Attendance Policy

Weather Cancellation Policy

Regularly scheduled meetings are automatically canceled when WS/FCS cancels school or delays the opening of school.

Attendance Policies – (Excerpt from the Rotary International Standard Constitution)
Rotary Club of Kernersville Attendance Policy

Section 4 Termination Non-attendance.

(a) Attendance Percentages. A member must

(1) attend or make up at least 60 percent of club regular meetings in each half of the year;

(2) attend at least 30 percent of this club’s regular meetings in each half of the year.

If a member fails to attend as required, the member’s membership shall be subject to termination unless the board consents to such non-attendance for good cause.

(b) Consecutive Absences. Unless otherwise excused by the board for good and sufficient reason or pursuant to article 8, sections 3 or 4, each member who fails to attend or make up four consecutive regular meetings shall be informed by the board that the member’s non-attendance may be considered a request to terminate membership in this club. Thereafter, the board, by a majority vote, may terminate the member’s membership.

The ways makeups can me made are: attendance at another Rotary club’s meeting with 14 calendar days either way of the missed meeting (please get an attendance form from the club visited), attendance at any club function, fund raising activity, committee meeting, or board meeting within 14 calendar days either way of the missed meeting. Rotary International has come up with an online makeup opportunity that can be found at

** Rotary Club of Kernersville – Attendance Makeup Credits **
(Updated 9/2014)

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(Citys, Days, Times, etc.) please GO HERE!


7690 Club Map


The following information can be found at .If you cannot attend a club meeting, there are many ways you can still receive attendance credit. According to Art. VIII, Section 1 of the Club Constitution, these include:

•Attending a meeting of another club
•Attending a meeting of a Rotaract or Interact club or Rotary Community Corps
•Attending certain district or RI meetings
•Participating in a club-sponsored event
•Attending a club board or service committee meeting with authorization of the club board

In order to get attendance credit, you must attend a make-up meeting or event within 14 days before or after the regular time of your missed meeting.Supporting the service work of your club by participating in one of the following club-sponsored events can also count as a make-up.

•Club service project
•Club-sponsored community event
•Other club meetings or events as authorized by the club board

Check with your club secretary to see what other club events count as make-ups.Just as you can receive attendance credit for serving RI through district and RI committees, serving your club through holding a seat on the club board or in an assigned club committee can count as a make-up, if authorized by the board.Absences may be considered excused if

•The absence complies with the conditions and under circumstances approved by your club’s board. The board may excuse an absence for reasons it considers to be good and sufficient.
•The sum of the member’s years of membership and age equals 85 or more. That member can request the club’s board make an exception to the attendance requirement. The member must notify the club secretary in writing regarding their desire to be excused from attendance.

Note: An excused absence does not provide attendance credit.Failure to meet the attendance requirement may result in termination of membership if the member fails to

•Attend or make-up at least 60% of club meetings in each half of the year
•Attend 30% of their own club’s regular meetings in each half of the year
•Attend or make-up four consecutive meetings

Rotary – Manual of Procedure